XLS Virtual Learning ProgrammeTM -

XLS Virtual Learning ProgrammeTM

At Heritage, we believe that quality learning can occur from a distance through a combination of online and offline processes. The shift to virtual mode of learning begins with consideration of how educators can play the role of caregivers and lesson creators while utilising their resources and experiences in sync with our Vision of Learning.

Vision Of Learning

A learning community where each is free to be and grow towards the realisation of their highest human potential through harmonious integration of spirit, heart, mind and body.

Our Core Guiding Principles

Our actions are guided by the core framework of 3 Rs – Relevance, Relationship and Rigour.

We will develop Relationship through the core principles of:

  • HIXS-care
  • HIXS-weekly-calls
    Weekly calls with students
  • HIXS-fortnightly-calls
    Fortnightly calls with Parents
  • HIXS-support-with-teachers
    Support with teachers
  • HIXS-grounding-every-class
    Grounding and 5 minutes check-ins before every class
  • HIXS-engagements-with-children
    Inspiring parents to create meaningful engagements with children

We will ensure Relevance through:

  • HIXS-building-sense
    Building a sense of purpose to create long-term engagement
  • HIXS-authentic-connections
    Using the current context to create authentic connections
  • HIXS-leveraging-virtual-platform
    Leveraging Virtual Platform for Differential Learning
  • HIXS-exploring-different-mediums
    Exploring different mediums of assessments to check for understanding and providing feedback

We will create Rigour by:

  • HIXS-physical-classrooms
    Aiming for learning efficacy similar to physical classrooms
  • HIXS-ensuring-students
    Ensuring students are engaged for the same number of hours as a normal school day
  • HIXS-habits-and-routines
    Maintaining work habits and routines
  • HIXS-synchronous-asynchronous-learning
    Creating a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences

The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed guidance on the use of virtual mode of learning for instructional designers and educators. It also provides basic concepts and information on the processes and resources involved in e-learning development, useful tips around policy and guidelines for the use of online platforms which will go a long way for the capacity development of the whole community.

Modes Of Learning

There are two kinds of online learning and teaching that we need to balance based on our circumstances:

SynchronousLearning happens collaboratively and at the same time with a group of online learners and the teacher. Synchronous learning enables learners to ask questions and receive answers straight away. Learners can also collaborate freely with other learners.

For example: Webinars, Posts, Video conferencing, Virtual classrooms

AsynchronousLearning happens at any time, not necessarily in a group, but with teacher feedback. It is learner-centered, enabling learners to complete courses without the constraints of having to be in a certain place at a certain time.

For example: Email, Pre-recorded Video Lessons and Webinars

Learning Platform

XLS recommends a variety of learning systems. However, the most important consideration is that teachers, students, and even parents have a central location for accessing digital instructional materials, assignments, assessments, and other resources.

Refer to our Learning Management page for more details

It is imperative to keep all communications, assignments, and instructional material in a single standardized system in order to avoid confusion. Links to material, class meetings via online meeting platforms like Google Hangouts, and other resources should be posted in the LMS rather than scattered across separate emails, systems, or websites.

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