Integrated Expeditionary Programmes -

Integrated Expeditionary Programmes

The structure of the international curriculum allows Heritage to seamlessly integrate learning expeditions through interdisciplinary subjects such as Global Perspectives, and Theory of Knowledge (TOK), all the way to Grade 12 which becomes compromised in higher classes in CBSE.

Heritage International Xperiential School

Interdisciplinary learning

Our CBSE campus has pushed the CBSE boundaries through its interdisciplinary learning expeditions. But it required an artificial structural tweaking in the timetable structure and was possible only till Grade 7. Thanks to the structure of the international curriculum, expeditions are now seamlessly integrated through interdisciplinary subjects such as Global Perspectives, and Theory of Knowledge (TOK). This allows students to experience richer learning all the way to Grade 12 which becomes compromised in higher classes in CBSE.
The rigour of building a strong character, developing mastery of knowledge and skills and producing high quality work is ensured through the expeditionary learning pedagogy. Students take a deep dive into disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Global Perspectives, English, Hindi, Modern Foreign Language and Information and Communication Technology. Teachers collaborate to design learning expeditions which are interdisciplinary in nature, to organize skills and content area knowledge in the Cambridge curriculum for each subject and create a rich learning environment for students to work collaboratively in ‘crews’. Learning expeditions require students to engage in sophisticated research, engage with the community in authentic ways, and present their high-quality products to legitimate audiences.

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