Educators -


Heritage International Xperiential School

The torch bearers

The Heritage teacher is the spark that ignites the desire of ‘Learning to Learn’. Promoting a learning culture that is inquiry-driven begins with teachers who then translate it to listening to all points of view of students, working productively with different perspectives and engaging the disengaged.

Progressive workshops, study missions and the Teacher Empowerment Programmes provide our faculty with the tools to deliver refreshing flexibility and responsiveness to a child’s world and changing needs.

To ensure that they are always up to date and have access to innovative techniques of educating students, our teachers go through extensive training and curriculum research of as many as 300 hours per year. Fifty per cent of this training is led by international facilitators, thought leaders or experts. An in-house team of 18 instructional coaches and curriculum designers work continuously with the teachers inside and outside the classroom to help them hone their practice towards realizing their potential and take best practices to the classroom.

In addition, teachers are encouraged to enhance their skills and learning by attending study trips, retreats, workshops and other training programmes.

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