Expectations For Online Learning -

Expectations For Online Learning

It is important to recognize that the online classroom is in fact a classroom, and certain behaviours are expected when we communicate with students. These guidelines for online behaviour and interaction are known as netiquette. We have to ensure all stakeholders are aware of the expectations for online learning.

Guidelines for Parents

We acknowledge that the transition to virtual learning will be challenging for families. Parents will need to think differently about how to support their children; how to create structures and routines that allow their children to be successful; and how to monitor and support their children’s learning. Schools like hospitals are caregivers and we, as a school will fall back on the school framework of Relevance, Relationship and Rigour to support parents in this process of creating meaningful engagement with their children.

We are sharing a set of guidelines/key principles to be adhered to by parents:
Define the physical space for your child’s study
Define the physical space for your child’s study

Your child may have a regular place for doing homework under normal circumstances, but this space may or may not be suitable for an extended period of time, as will be the case of virtual learning.

  • We encourage families to establish a space/location where their children will learn most of the time. It should be a place that can be quiet at times and have a strong wireless internet signal, if possible.
  • Ensure that no other device is placed in the same room. Multiple windows should not be open during virtual learning.
  • Above all, it should be a space where parents are present and monitoring their children’s learning.
Define the physical space for your child’s study
Define the physical space for your child’s study

Your child may have a regular place for doing homework under normal circumstances, but this space may or may not be suitable for an extended period of time, as will be the case of virtual learning.

  • We encourage families to establish a space/location where their children will learn most of the time. It should be a place that can be quiet at times and have a strong wireless internet signal, if possible.
  • Ensure that no other device is placed in the same room. Multiple windows should not be open during virtual learning.
  • Above all, it should be a space where parents are present and monitoring their children’s learning.
Begin and end each day with a check-in
Begin and end each day with a check-in

Parents are encouraged to start and finish each day with a simple check-in and centering exercises.

  • In the morning, ask your child.
  • What are they learning today?
  • What are their learning targets or goals?
  • How will they spend their time?
  • What resources do they require?
  • What support do they need?

This brief grounding conversation matters. It allows children to process the instructions they’ve received from their teachers. It helps them organize themselves and set priorities.

  • Older students may not want to have these check-ins but they should nevertheless. Parents are encouraged to establish these check-ins as a regular parts of each day to help children navigate distance learning and create a much needed structure. These check-in routines are crucial for building the skills of self-discipline among children.
Monitor communications
Monitor communications from your children’s teachers on Teamie. Teachers will communicate with parents through Teamie, when and as necessary. All communications from teachers regarding class schedule, timelines, google hangout sessions and assessments will happen through Teamie. The frequency and detail of these communications will be determined by your children’s ages, maturity, and their degree of independence.
Parents are advised to contact their children’s teachers
Parents are advised to contact their children’s teachers and emails are the preferred mode of communication. However, we ask parents to remember that teachers will be communicating with dozens of other families and hence the communication should be essential, succinct, and self-aware.
Parents are advised to use Parental Control softwares
Parents are advised to use Parental Control softwares e.g. Qustodio, McAfee Total Protection, Norton Family Premier
We also encourage parents
We also encourage parents to have their children explain the features of Learning Management System – Teamie teachers are using.
Encourage physical activity
Encourage physical activity and/or exercise. Make sure your children remember to move and exercise keeping in mind their health and well-being and to their learning. Our physical education teachers will recommend activities or exercises, but it is important for parents to model and encourage exercise
Monitor how much time your child is spending online
Monitor how much time your child is spending online. Teachers are creating virtual learning lessons which will have a right balance between online and offline learning experiences.
programme leaders and principal
Instructional coaches, programme leaders and principal will continue to monitor the quality of virtual transaction, resources, lesson plans and feedback shared by teachers with students periodically.
social media interactions
It is imperative to set rules around their social media interactions. Parents are expected to monitor their children’s use of social media. Help your children maintain contact with friends responsibly. Older students will rely more on social media to communicate with friends.
Social media apps
Please note that Social media apps such as SnapChat, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Facebook are not official, school-sanctioned channels of communication. Remind your children to be polite, respectful, and appropriate in their communications and to represent the school’s values in their interactions with others, this applies for written words and as well as tone of conversation.
Students must comply with the school’s Behaviour Management

Students must comply with the school’s Behaviour Management and Acceptable Usage policy while they are online. Students/ parents/ guardians are not permitted to take photos, screenshots, record videos/ audios of the virtual sessions. All material shared on teamie and google hangouts is the school’s intellectual property and downloading/ circulating/ sharing of content without permission is strictly prohibited.

Managing Screen Time

We recognise that transition to virtual learning does not compare to physical classrooms. It’s important that our students continue their social-emotional and cognitive growth in these times of social distancing and isolation. It is comforting to have a routine in these times. Younger students may need assistance with setting up and using online tools. The most effective models of virtual school have a carefully considered healthy and balanced amount of offline and online learning time. This use of learning time will include some synchronous learning with real time conferencing with teachers and classmates. It will also include and be balanced with significant blocks of asynchronous learning and opportunities to work offline and unplugged.

There are multiple research that suggest that screen time when paired with high-quality instructional practices and carefully planned lessons is good for students. Screen time is inherently made more effective and less isolating and less passive when there is a human on the other side.

For more information, please check this blog that summarizes the research on screen time for children:

Screen Time Is Good for Kids — If There’s a Human on the Other End

Recommended screen time, that is not video conferencing for learners and teachers, are based on the recommendations created by the American Academy of Pediatrics:

  • Ages 2–5: 1 hour, broken into sessions of a maximum of 30 minutes.
  • Age 6 and above: no specific screen time limits, but screen time should not affect physical activity and face-to-face interactions at home and school. Consistent limits on screen time are also very important.

Guidelines for Students
  • Setup a daily learning routine
    Setup a daily learning routine
  • Relax, take breaks and have fun
    Relax, take breaks and have fun
  • Submit your assignments on time
    Submit your assignments on time
  • Stay cyber safe
    Stay cyber safe
  • Check your online communication regularly
    Check your online communication regularly
  • Be honest and sincere with the work that you do
    Be honest and sincere with the work that you do
  • Reach out to your teachers or parents for help
    Reach out to your teachers or parents for help
  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to do your work
    Find a quiet and comfortable place to do your work
  • Review your work and assignments with your parents daily
    Review your work and assignments with your parents daily
Cyber Safety Advisory for Parents

Since students will be spending time online, parents are requested to speak to them regarding the importance of staying safe in the cyberworld. Please take them through the following guidelines:

Be a Cyber Smart Citizen

  • Be vigilant: Visit safe sites which are age appropriate and approved by your parents and teachers.
  • Be cautious: Make good choices when you are online. Share only
    information that is required and safe to share. Make sure that you log out
    after your work is done. Do not share your password with anybody.
  • Be respectful: Be kind and respectful to others when you are online. Promise to THINK – True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind.
  • Be vocal: Tell your parents and teachers if someone is being hurtful or
    unkind online or sharing disturbing content. Stand up to Cyber Bullying
    and remember that your digital presence should not hurt others.
  • Be safe: Use safe Wifi networks and keep your device safe and secure at all time.
  • Be honest: Always follow copyright laws and remember to cite the sources that you use for your work.

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